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Darwen Girls & Ladies processes personal data, which is held in some circumstances manually and in others on computer for club Administration, Advertising, Marketing, Accounts and Records.

All data collected is:

 Accurate, fairly and lawfully processed.
 Processed for limited purposes.
 Adequate, relevant and not excessive.
 Not kept longer than necessary (a maximum of 6 years after the person, or organization ceases to be associated with the club)
 Secure- all appointed officials holding data endeavor to keep it in a safe and secure environment.
 No data is transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
 All data is held on a backup file updated on a weekly basis.

From time to time Darwen Girls & Ladies will share information with The FA, the Lancashire FA, leagues we are members of, and other interested governing and legal bodies (Referees Association, Social Services, Police etc)

Only appointed persons will have access to data stored by the club

Any breaches of this Data Protection Policy will be immediately investigated by the club.

If you wish to see the data held by the Club, you must make a request in writing enclosing the appropriate fee (£10) to the Club Secretary. Any such request will be actioned within 40 days.